Well, let me get started and tell you my goals here. I bought the book Love and Logic for Early Childhood. I read the first three chapters probably five separate times and the book did a great job collecting dust on my nightstand. It wasn't until my then 11 month old baby girl began using the book as a teething toy that I remembered AGAIN I should read it.
Long story short - after a few chats with some other mamas, a book club was born. I agreed to facilitate and read the book. The catch.. well when you facilitate a book club you actually have to read the book.
So I did.
And I loved facilitating the book club. And all the cool discussions we had. Then we began to talk about those books about parenting we wish we had read and books we have gathering dust. I have been thinking about those discussions we had over wine after putting our babies to bed, throwing the dishes in the sink (or not) and showing up to talk about a parenting book we actually read!!!
I wondered...where is the Hollywood version of those books? Where are the black and yellow cliff notes? I need to cram before I BS my final essay. NOPE. We don't get off that easy with parenting.
I am committing to you right here and right now. I am going to read those books. I am going to try out the techniques on my poor children. And I am going to provide for you the dirty delicious details of how it went and if the book (in my opinion) actually works.
In the meantime, there may be some entertaining (hopefully to some) comments about motherhood in general.
Oh one other commitment... I hope to publish one blog per week. There I said it. And if I said it -IT'S THE TRUTH! Just ask my 3 year old son.
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