Have you noticed there is a plethora of blog posts announcing the top "things" you need to know.
I'm just trying to keep track. I read one titled for instance "10 things you should NEVER say to your child." Oh man I'd better read that. I nervously think I've probably said 6 out of the 10 already. Then the next post - "the one thing that your child needs to hear from you"- Ah! What is it?! I am I saying it? Is my husband saying it? Panicked. Must read the one thing. Then 8 things you must know to raise a boy - or no it's 10 things to say and do to raise a confident girl today...So I am going to need a list of all these "things" for me as a mom to remember. These exact "things" I am supposed to do and supposed to say. I mean seriously.
Anyways I decided after seeing yet another one to do a post of my own. The 5 things this mama is thankful for this Thanksgiving. Oh and if you are like me, you totally didn't read the first paragraph and are skimming the page in search of the LIST OF THINGS. Which some bloggers put in bold and is totally helpful so I can get down to business and evaluate my value as a mother and tally how I am saying all the wrong things, not saying the right things, raising a boy the wrong way and raising a girl who is not confident and totally going to make poor choices.
1. I am thankful for my drive to northern Los Angeles. Seriously. I am really looking forward to sitting in traffic for at least 3 hours. I'm not joking. I get to sit on my butt for a minimum of 3 hours. During the day.
2. I am thankful for my favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal. The wine. And it's even ready for me during all the prep and clean up -with the least amount of dishes! I am so low maintenance.
3. I am thankful for my
4. I am thankful there is going to be a day where there is so much food everywhere and I don't have to put snacks in little baggies all day and frantically search for squeeze packs or bars wherever we may go.
5. I am thankful for tryptophan - will it work on my children?
Do kids even eat turkey?
Most of all I am really thankful for the mess, the noise, and the overall chaos. It is admist all of this we love each other and experience tradition amongst these people who are our family. And for these little hooligans who got stuck with a mother who doesn't really care about the list of "things" to say.
Love it! Have fun in traffic!! ha!