Here’s the crux of the book. The real reason we as parents are reading Siblings Without Rivalry. How can we get these kids to stop fighting?! How do I handle constant tattling? Why do they have to find a way to fight over every little thing and ruin fun things we have planned? And my kids are only 1 and a half and 3. I’m sure it gets even more interesting as time goes by. As seasoned mothers never cease to remind me- this stage doesn’t last forever. This part is the golden. It really combines Love and Logic and Siblings without Rivalry together. And so far it works. Want to know? You as a parent are somewhat of a magician. An illusionist to be exact. Your object- give your kids the illusion they are in control. That they are the boss. They are important and they have power. Whether the kids are fighting over property or what tv show to watch it’s pretty much the same concept. Leave it up to them to figure it out. I’m all for this. Less wo...