I recently came across a cartoon. It had two little kids beating each other and a frustrated mother on the couch. She had a thought bubble which said, "We thought they'd play together. We said it would be good for him to have a sister." Sibling rivalry in my humble experience of approximately 16 months starts at conception. So I decided for my next book to tackle a review of was Silblings Without Rivalry . This particular novel has sat next to my bed, on my bookshelf, and then moved to a coffee table and the top of the piano. I have finally read it. The book is very eye opening. If you want some quick go to ways of handling your kids fighting flip to the cartoons in each chapter. They illustrate a skit in how I handle situations now and then how the author says to handle them and how miraculous it is. Let's just say I'm pretty skeptical. To give you an introduction, the author has you empathize with older sibling. The author compares the entry of a ...